The Full Metal Hipster Playlist #01

Metal Injection Podcasts show

Summary: Okay, so I'm trying something new out. I'm going to post 2 podcasts a week for a while to see how that goes. One will be a  playlist episode that's strictly music and the other will be the interview episode you're already accustomed to. Why am I doing this? Because I'm a masochist and also because I know some of you prefer the music episodes and others prefer the interview episodes. So hopefully this satisfies all of you demanding bastards!<br> If you’re an iTunes user, don’t forget to <a href="" target="_blank">subscribe to Full Metal Hipster</a>, and leave me some good reviews/5 star ratings for God’s sake! If you’re not an Apple fanboy, you can stream or download each episode from my website <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, my <a href="">Stitcher page</a>, or on the <a href="">podcast host site</a>.<br> I’m on Twitter at <a href="">@MetalShayne2000</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, too, ya bums!<br> For always and forever, the demo was better!<br> Episode Playlist<br> <br> * Arête (<a href="">Bandcamp</a>) – "Sojourner"<br> * War Elephant (<a href="">Bandcamp</a>) – "Violence"<br> * Gigantic Brain (<a href="">Bandcamp</a>) – "I Fly the Unicorn"<br> * Dynazty (<a href="">Facebook</a>) – "Untamer of Your Soul"<br> * Wormfood (<a href="">Facebook</a>) – "Gone on the Hoist (G.O.T.H.)<br> <br>