Mindfulness-The Power of Being Present with Buffy Trupp, MFT – #18

The FertilityHour show

Summary: Ever wake up in the middle of the night engulfed in thoughts of fear, worry and anxiety? Questions like, “what if my IVF fails?” “what if I can’t get pregnant?” swirl in your head. We’ve all experienced times when our feelings overtake us and catastrophize our lives. Research shows that these awful thoughts don’t just make our worlds feel unsafe and unstable but also have detrimental effects on our physiology. What can be done when our chaotic minds seem to be throwing a big temper tantrum? Buffy Trupp, MFT  joins us to introduce us to Mindfulness. Deep fear, grief and anxiety are common emotional responses to dealing with life’s challenges. Fertility challenges can be especially triggering. What if we were no longer enslaved by these emotions and instead able to observe, welcome and nurture them? Would that allow us to truly process them and then be rewarded with vitality, energy and emotional liberation? Buffy shows how the resistance and fighting against the emotion is what keeps us enslaved. We can embrace our feelings-yes even the BIG ones-and fully experience them and come out the other side healthier, calmer and clearer in our understanding of ourselves. Buffy talks about past clients and how mindfulness allowed them to transform deep seated pain and become pregnant.