S2E8 - Girl, Positive (Featuring Miranda Berman)

Mother, May I Sleep With Podcast? show

Summary: “It is weird how obsessed with butterflies she is…” Molls and writer Miranda Berman sit down and discuss Girl, Positive. Starring Kelly Taylor -- oops, we mean Jennie Garth -- and Andrea Bowen, this film takes us along the journey of popular high school student who loses her virginity to a guy with HIV. Molls and Miranda share some LOLs on an otherwise sensitive subject and discuss the internet factor in the film (you know Molls loves it when a movie portrays the internet accurately but SPOILER ALERT: this movie does NOT). They spend some time talking about the cast and their impressive resumes, the #goals Rachel has, and why Miranda shed some tears. Subscribe now &amp; if you're digging us, leave a 5-star rating and review on Apple Podcasts so we can keep sharing the Lifetime movie love! You can also follow us on Twitter &amp; Instagram (@MMISWP) and Facebook (facebook.com/MMISWP). Until next week...  <br><hr><p style="">See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>