005 The Art and Craft of Fan Fiction and It's Role in Pop Culture

Hangin With Web Show show

Summary: Source: https://www.spreaker.com/user/hanginwithwebshow/005-fan-fiction-in-pop-culture Through out the pop culture community, a phenomenon that has often driven the interests and the intellectual properties selected by major distributors has been Fan Fiction. Fans write, produce and direct a variety of fan created stories from a wide range of existing Sci-Fi and Fantasy properties. From the early days, when film producer Dan Poole produced his Spiderman Fan Film: The Green Goblin's Last Stand, to writers like Jim Terry, who has been writing Star Trek Fan Fiction stories for 40 years, and then there is Chris Phillips and his wife Krystal Moore who are producing Dr. Who: Velocity to Mike Sgroi with the prolific fan fiction film production team at Iron Horse Productions, whose Fan film, Star Wars: The Lesser Evil won an award from Star Wars creators at Lucas Films for their work, and have since entered into creating live action fan films based on some of pop cultures most prolific video game properties, such as Bendy and the Ink Machine and Five Nights at Freddy's. These fan fiction icons discuss their work as well as the positive effect that fan fiction projects have had on spreading what was once niche culture into the popular imagination and now into popular culture.