#051- Interview with a Pedophile (Tom O'Carroll)

Renegade Ape - Psychology, Philosophy, and the Overton Wasteland show

Summary: Tom O'Carroll is a self-confessed pedophile, pro-pedophilia advocate, and writer. In today's episode we delve in to Tom's early life, the experience of first realizing his sexual attraction to children, his failed attempts to lead a normal life, and his pro-pedophile advocacy efforts. We debate the nature of consent, whether or not adult-child sexual relationships are always harmful, if childhood sexual trauma is caused by the sexual acts themselves or subsequent societal judgement, and the likelihood of pro-pedophile advocacy ever resulting in a society which accepts adult-child sexual relationships. It's got a LONG intro this one. If you'd like to skip straight to the interview it begins at 38:18 *** DONATE OR SUBSCRIBE *** http://myownworstenemy.org/support *** SOCIAL MEDIA *** Facebook: https://facebook.com/myownworstenemyorg Twitter: https://twitter.com/dannydwhittaker *** CREDITS *** Theme Music: Falling Down by Ryan Little https://youtube.com/user/TheR4C2010 Podcast Image: Ubi Desperare Nescio https://flic.kr/p/5hmrUg DISCLAIMER: My Own Worst Enemy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk and affiliated sites.