Clive Hamilton and Richard Rigby on Chinese influence in Australia

Politics with Michelle Grattan show

Summary: <p>The Australia-China relationship is again in the headlines, with reports of strains between the two countries, resulting in federal ministers who want to visit finding it hard to get visas.</p><br> <p>China is reacting against the Australian government’s rhetoric and especially its legislation, now before parliament, to combat foreign interference in Australian politics.</p><br> <p>Malcolm Turnbull plays down the issue but admits “there is certainly some tension”, in the wake of the move on foreign interference.</p><br> <p>In this podcast, Charles Sturt University’s Clive Hamilton talks about his controversial book <em>Silent Invasion</em>, in which he alleges a high level of penetration by Chinese officialdom into Australian institutions.</p><br> <p>On the flip side, the Australian National University’s Richard Rigby is confident Australian institutions are strong enough to head off any dangers.</p>