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Summary: Last Sunday was Easter and our church celebrated the resurrection and triumph over death of our Lord Jesus. We witnessed the baptisms of several people and joyfully welcomed them into family of God.<br> After such a momentous day, many of us may be wondering “now what?” The disciples wondered the same thing. They just witnessed the brutal, public execution of their rabbi and were asking themselves, “Jesus is dead; now what?” when the surprising and joyous news came that the tomb was empty and Jesus was risen. Now they found themselves asking the same question with a very different twist: “Jesus is resurrected; now what?” When we have encountered the risen Lord as the disciples did, we too are faced with a “now what?” question:<br> “Jesus is the Lord of all; now what?”<br><br> “I decided to follow Jesus; now what?”<br><br> “I was baptized; now what?”<br> This Sunday morning we will be looking at Matthew 28:11-20 where Jesus invites his disciples, and us, to the mountain to answer the pivotal and very important question of “now what?”<br> DOWNLOADS<br> SEE IT // BE IT<br> (WEEKLY COMMUNITY GROUP DISCUSSION GUIDE)<br> Title: Now What? //Scripture: Matthew 28:11-2<br> ARRIVAL / SOCIAL TIME 15-20 minutes Spend the first 15 minutes or so of your time together catching up and socializing with one another. Also find time to catch up together on how the assignments from last week turned out.<br> SERMON REVIEW 5-10 minutes<br> Last Sunday was Easter and our church celebrated the resurrection and triumph over death of our Lord Jesus. We witnessed the baptisms of several people and joyfully welcomed them into the family of God. After such a momentous day, many of us may be wondering “now what?” The disciples wondered the same thing. They had just witnessed the brutal, public execution of their rabbi and were asking themselves, “Jesus is dead; now what?” when the surprising and joyous news came that the tomb was empty and Jesus was risen. Now they found themselves asking the same question with a very different twist: “Jesus is resurrected; now what?” When we have encountered the risen Lord as the disciples did, we too are faced with a “now what?” question: “Jesus is the Lord of all; now what?”, “I decided to follow Jesus; now what?”, “I was baptized; now what?” The answer that extends to us can be found in the mission Jesus gave the disciples.<br> THE MAIN THOUGHT keep this in mind as you facilitate discussion.<br> The mission of God is to make himself known and to restore all things<br> SEE IT – Questions 10-15 minutes<br> Picture (What is the story saying?): What two stories were being told when Jesus left the tomb empty? Why is it important that Jesus said all authority had been given to him? Did the disciples have doubts? What charge did Jesus give his disciples?<br> Mirror (Where am I in the story?): Is it enough just to answer the call to come to the mountain or do we see ourselves as an essential element in God’s mission of restoration? What can cause us to doubt what we heard from God on the mountain? What are some disciplines that keep us on mission?<br> Window (How does the story change how I see those around me?): Who are our spiritual mothers and fathers? How do we often view those we’d consider outside of the family of God? What are some assumptions about who has heard the gospel? How can we help make disciples of all nations?<br> BE IT – Practice 15 minutes<br> Change UP // Know Your Praise 5 minutes<br> Go to the mountain (the place where you go to spend time with God) this week to intentionally ask God for his direction in understanding your place in his mission of restoration. Psalm 40 is a good prompt for reflection and prayer. Read through this Psalm two or three times taking notice of the things that stand out to you. Where has God brought healing, purpose, and transformation in your life? Respond to God with worship and thanks.