LARPing in the Kingdom of Novitas with Phil Braun: an interview on the Hangin With Web Show

Hangin With Web Show show

Summary: WATCH the Hangin With Web Show on Youtube & SUBSCRIBE! #Comment #Like #Subscribe ( Co-Host Allyson Murray interviews Live Action Role Player Phil Braun during HeroCon 2 in Utica, New York, hosted by the Utica Children’s Museum. Kingdoms of Novitas is a medieval fantasy LARP in NY with an emphasis on immersive roleplaying, physical action, and high standards for costuming and props. Phil Braun has been LARPing for 11 years. He plays Illivandros Lisandre, a middle aged Evenandran elf craftsman/merchant. When he created Illivandros, Phil wanted to make a typical member of a race that wasn't human. A person that was just another guy, but still challenging to play (thus the other race), and wouldn't have a lot of the traits you see in PCs. So he picked a caste (Craftsman in this case, because PCs usually like to adventure) and went from there. So you could say his concept was “Typical High Elf Craftsman/Merchant”. His character is now starting to adventure more, going out and tagging along with adventurers. He's picked up a fair bit of healing magic along the way (obstinately so he could be useful in town without having to go wandering off) and often acts as a healer when out with a group. His core concept is the same, he's still a craftsman and merchant at heart, but now he's expanding on that. Phil Braun and The Kingdom of Novitas On The Web: FaceBook: YouTube Promo: Like and Comment on videos and interviews. Submit your own questions for the next webisodes! The Hangin With Web Show is the internet's best web talk show series. While attending a writers conference, we noticed that many of the independent authors had never received any media attention. After many conversations, he discovered this was true of artists, indie filmmakers, and event YouTube creators. As a former newspaper reporter, G.W. Pomichter had conducted hundreds of professional interviews and decided at the event to interview these terrific, talented creators. Our mission is to provide comfortable, professional and informative media coverage to members of the arts and entertainment community and distribute these to the world wide web to assist in sharing new creative works with a global internet audience. Find us on the web: On IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base) G.W. Pomichter on IMDB: Help us support these amazing and talented artists! Check out our partners: WordFire Press: Some'N Unique Magazine: Famous Faces and Funnies: Space Coast Comixx: iOgrapher Equipment: Off The Chain Radio: Arcane Pacific Entertainment: You, as a viewer are an important part of this mission! Please stay, subscribe and view, comment and share these interviews with our writers, artists, and creators!