#25 Learn Ways To heal Your Thyroid w/ Jenna Kehoe

Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting Podcast show

Summary:   How do you heal your thyroid? Can you take medicine in a fasted state? Are you able to fast if you work a swing shift with constantly shifting windows? We answer this question and more in today's episode! Chantel is joined by her good friend, Jenna Kehoe.    Timecodes: Question 1 and Question 2: 1:29 Question 1 Q: I have an underactive thyroid.  My question is how do you propose I wean myself off of the synthroid (Levothyroxine) or if you are not allowed to say tell me how you did it please.  I really want to get off of this. I take 112 dose once a day.  Should I take it every other day or cut it in half or just stop taking it?  I have started the intermittent fasting and I am reading your book which just came in the mail Saturday (I saw you on the 700 Club). Thanks for your time and have a blessed day. -Jean Question 2 Q: Hi ,I’ve been on IF for about three weeks now. Haven’t noticed a huge weight loss if any but I do notice things like my gut feels better and some of my skin in certain areas appears tighter. My question is I have Hashimoto’s and I’m going through menopause. I’m 52 years old and I was wondering is there anything that I can do to help my progress move along faster and to possibly and hopefully heal  my Hashimoto’s? I really do feel like this is the thing for me but I am having trouble getting used to doing longer fasts than 18/6 or 16/8. I feel like those two times really work for me and I feel like a longer fast would be difficult because I am a nurse and it would be hard for me to do that while working. Any advice for the auto immune and the menopause would be greatly appreciated. I’m so thankful for your show and I feel like this is a life changer for me. -Beth, Dallas   Question 3 9:22 Q: Hi Chantal, One of your recent podcast you mentioned that chewing even sugar-free gum during fasting creates an insulin response and therefore will take you out of the fasting State and halt any fat loss. I had been chewing sugar-free gum during my fasting and was very disheartened by the seemingly inability of for me to lose weight. Once I stopped chewing gum during my fasting, the weight loss picked up again! Thank you so much for this helpful information!!     Question 4 – 14:10 Q: I just bought your book but have a question. My husband works a swing shift so can we incorporate this if we have to change his eating window almost every week? -Dena Question 5: 21:09 Hi Chantel, Really happy to have discovered your podcast and find your connection to the Biblical principles really insightful. I just listened to your podcast about LaCroix waters and found that helpful but it triggered another question for me. My husband and I are 3 weeks into the IF lifestyle and finding it fairly easy to follow.  We typically do not start eating until 12 or 1, and since we both work office jobs we are looking for liquids to help beat our morning hunger. We both have always enjoyed "nutty" flavored coffee. The coffee is "black", no syrup or cream added, see links below. Are these breaking our fast? Additionally, at night after our eating window has expired, we often drink tea. We recently found these flavored tazo teas that are delicious and help beat sugar cravings outside of eating windows. What are your thoughts on these? Thanks, Sabrina Minnesotahttps://www.amazon.com/Caribou-Coffee-Vanilla-Hazelnut-Dreamstate/dp/B0742LJWVT/ref=sr_1_7_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1522944620&sr=8-7&keywords=vanilla+hazelnut+coffee Donut Shop Nutty Caramel: No calories, no sugars, no carbs.  Each K-Cup pod is made with 100% Arabica ground coffee, no artificial ingredients and certified Orthodox Union Kosher (U).https://www.amazon.com/Original-Donut-Shop-Single-Serve-Caramel/dp/B00M9ZNPRO/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1522944658&sr=8-1&keywords=nutty+carmel Tazo Dessert Delights Tea https://www.amazon.com/Butterscotch-Blondie-Glazed-Vanilla-Macaron/dp/B0767J2GTG/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1522944758&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=Tazo+lemon+loaf+tea&psc=1&smid=AR8XJJ19SNPNX Organic Smooth Move Peppermint Teahttps://www.amazon.com/Traditional-Medicinals-Organic-Smooth-Herbal/dp/B00FO2BZVW/ref=sr_1_3_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1522945132&sr=8-3&keywords=Smooth+move+tea   Question 6 – 25:04 Q: I have been doing IF for about 3 mos now and I AM COLD ALL THE TIME!!!!! Is there a reason behind this, besides the fact that I don’t have as much body fat as I did before? -Laura in Nashville Question 7 – 28:04 Q:When I am reading about Intermittent Fasting online, I keep hearing about OMAD- What is this, and do you recommend it? -Andrew in Chesapeake   Question 8 – 31:50 Q: Since I have been intermittent fasting, I have been so sad. Never cried at movies, been crying at movies. Is this just a coincidence? -Stephanie in VIRGINIA beach    Question 9: 33:39 Q: I struggle with PCOS, and my Doctor has told me that it has to do with Insulin Resistance. This was the first I heard of this, but honestly as I am googling, it explains a lot of the symptoms that I am dealing with. Chantel, I have heard you mention that you used to struggle with PCOS, and I was wondering if you could elaborate a little more on that as it pertains to insulin resistance?   Question 10: 37:16 Q: For intermittent fasting does a person definitely loose weight? I have been wanting to loose the weight but unable to do so Sincerely Dorothy Andrews Thanks   Question 11: 38:33 Q: What time is the best window to do, 12-6, 1-7- is it better to do the same window every day or mix it up? Is it better to open your window earlier in the day or later? Crystal in Fairfax     Question 12: 39:40 Q: Some days I have so much energy and just feel like a million bucks, and then the next day I am so tired. Why the energy swings? How can I regulate them? -Ashley in South Carolina     Question 13: 40:54 This is a question from last week that I wasn’t able to answer as in depth as I wanted, so I wanted to re-visit it. Q:  I don’t eat gluten and dairy all the time, but I definitely feel like when I have either dairy or gluten I feel terrible. Since I’ve been doing IF, I’ve been able to eat dairy and gluten and it doesn’t bother me as much. Does this have to do with the IF or is it in my head. -Aaron in Maryland