EP 031 | Altcoin Fool | Cardano Kool-Aid | Parelius Studios and Governmental Banter

Altcoin Fool | Altcoin Investing & Philosophy | Cryptocurrency  News & Tech show

Summary: Welcome to the Altcoin Fool Podcast. We drink the Kool-aid … err. water of Cardano and remember why it is both the most exciting and lofty of the cryptos while at the same time being incredibly boring to talk about. Drew and Chris muse over whether or not this is the end of the crypto recession from the governmental side and so much more. We hope you enjoy this episode of the Altcoin Fool Podcast.<br> Links for the below can be found on our website <a href="http://www.altcoinfool.com">www.altcoinfool.com</a><br> Join the <a href="http://t.me/altcoinfoolpodcast">Altcoin Fool Podcast Telegram Group</a><br> READ ON <br> <br> * <a href="https://iohk.io/">IOHK</a><br> * <a href="https://cardanofoundation.org/">Cardano Foundation</a><br> * <a href="https://cardanoroadmap.com/">Cardano Roadmap</a><br> * <a href="https://youtu.be/oebnDZ2Wc8c">Kool-Aid</a><br> <br>  <br> DONATE <br> <br> * Send DigiByte here – DTd9EHfJCDK8NEVA6m82FhQ59bejuSTyW9<br> * Send ETH (ERC20) here (let us know if you send an ERC20 token) – 0xE3075dE5c724C53153B7d28a99aD6E27cc9fCeF3 <br> * Send Dogecoin here – DGpTGTxbwaUBNJg8CaUWbozWd97AU1YDJb<br> * Send Stellar Lumens here – GA6YFDASRSYGX5LJD4UM2CV5VZUAIRACB7J3YRO6X6JW5FIGBFLRIT6S<br> * Send TRTL here – TRTLv2kLhACcfF7wSpGa8PWMQzWCCYB8D7G7v43YsujUZQBGdBQSXNWT3fH8o9s8tjBRGS2h6NVP4BdTeKKEhf2xaV36eNNkNU4<br> <br>