#13 How to Eat in A Food Obsessed World

The Appetite show

Summary: Today we're talking about the ever-conflicting messages American culture gives us about what and how to eat. We explore the potentially detrimental nuances of fad diets like Whole 30, detoxing, and the idea of “eating clean,” highlighting the work of Ellyn Satter as a map to a more nuanced relationship with yourself as an attuned eater and emphasizing new, more flexible ways to think about competency with food. TW: In this episode, we do name several diets and talk some specifics (no numbers).   Links and Resources: Hierarchy of Food Needs by Ellyn Satter   This is the published article in the Journal of Nutrition Education that addresses food hierarchy in public health nutrition education, especially shows the application of this across the socioeconomic profiles   Division of responsibility by Ellyn Satter   Eating Competency Model by Ellyn Satter   Her website explanation of the competency model   Published review of the Competency Model     Connect with us: theappetite@opalfoodandbody.com www.OpalFoodandBody.com www.facebook.com/Opalfoodandbodywisdom/ www.twitter.com/opalfoodandbody