Progressive Commentary Hour - 04.11.18

Progressive Commentary Hour show

Summary: <p><em>CONVERSATIONS WITH REMARKABLE MINDS</em></p><br> <p><span style="font-size: large;"><em>Understanding the clash of worldviews and paradigms today, and why the need for a future "living economy" to sustain the preservation of our species is so urgent today</em></span></p><br> <p><strong>Dr. Elisabet <span class="m_-4423609664739089952gmail-il">Sahtouris</span> (Sah-toor-is) is an evolution biologist, philosopher, futurist and a former professor specializing in the designs of living systems. In addition to having taught at MIT and the University of Massachusetts, Dr. <span class="m_-4423609664739089952gmail-il">Sahtouris</span> has served as a consultant to the United Nations on indigenous peoples, has been leading voice in promoting the Gaia Hypothesis of James Lovelock, is a fellow of the World Business Academy, and has been an adviser for graduate business programs at universities. Currently she is a professor in the MBA program at Chaminade University in Honolulu.  Elisabet is a frequent  keynote speaker for many conferences focused upon humanity’s future and sustainable economic systems.  She was the primary organizer for the millennium 2000 Earth Celebration in Athens Greece.  Elisabet </strong><strong>has authored several important books including “Biology Revisited” (a dialogue with the late Willis Harman -- an American futurist and  a co-founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences), and “Earth Dance: Living Systems in Evolution”.  Her website is</strong></p>