Social Self-Care (2/4) | 122

The Simple Show show

Summary: Continuing our series on social self-care, this time Haley and I talk about stewardship: caring for the things we've been given. What does that look like in real life? It was commonplace for our grandparents' generation to 'use it up, wear it out, make do, or do without,' as the war slogan reminded them—it was just part of life. But we live in a throwaway culture now. “Reusing something instead of immediately discarding it, when done for the right reasons, can be an act of love which expresses our own dignity.” - Pope Francis Haley and I talk about the practicals here, but also why we consider this self-care, and not just good practice for the earth. Basically, we think this is taking care of ourselves, too. Notes From This Episode:Social Self-Care, Part 1Follow The Simple Show on InstagramHaleys blog, Carrots for MichaelmasHaley on Instagram and TwitterTsh on Instagram and TwitterHaley's forthcoming book, The Grace of Enough: Pursuing Less and Living More in a Throwaway Culture!Laudato Si': Care for Our Common Home, from Pope FrancisOur previous episode on frugalityFor any links and codes from our lovely sponsors, head here