Effects Environment - Part 1 - Integrated Grading and VFX in the Timeline - Flame 2019

The Flame Learning Channel show

Summary: With the release of Flame 2019, one of the major enhancements is a new task-based environment that brings a new level of Grading and VFX integration directly into the timeline. So all your Timeline VFX and Grading toolsets are in one place with full navigational tools and access to the rich Flame toolset. This will allow you to work faster than ever before develop and iterate a shot or multiple shots and there are a bunch of new tools for sophisticated image treatments such as colour grading, beauty retouching and 'creative look FX'. This is all integrated within Flame's core keying, masking and tracking systems. This environment is known as EFFECTS and it also has its own task-based tab alongside MediaHub, Conform, Timeline, Batch and Tools. This video serves as a general overview of EFFECTS to get you started and future videos will take a deep dive into specific features and workflows.