Healing Through Chiropractic - Dr. Laura Jean Baxter-Gravelle

Breaking the Underdog Curse for Chiropractic show

Summary: We are here with Dr. Laura Jean Baxter-Gravelle. She’s from London, Ontario and has been in practice for 15 years. She and other chiropractors collaborated to write a book "The Art of Being Healthy," which is a book on the real-life accounts of mothers and children healing through Chiropractic. On this interview, she shares the story of how her daughter, Lucy, was healed through chiropractic adjustments. Also, Dr. Laura shares how difficult and stressful it was to try to scale up her business and do everything by herself. That’s when she decided to enroll herself to Vitality Shift. After watching the videos from that program, she shifted her practice from a little basement to a 1,500-sqft office. Get all the resources for this episode and listen to more at http://www.drdonmacdonald.com/