EP 029 | Stellar Kool-Aid | URGENT!!!! Why Kool-Aid Episodes | Cryptocurrency Banter

Altcoin Fool | Altcoin Investing & Philosophy | Cryptocurrency  News & Tech show

Summary: On this episode of the Altcoin Fool Podcast, Drew has a helping of Stellar Kool-Aid and Chris thinks it is less than “stel…. nope, nope can’t do it; can’t finish that terrible pun. Episode counting also takes a major hit with this one, but stick around and I’m sure we’ll explain why in episode 30, or is it 31. We hope you enjoy it.<br> Links for the below can be found on our website <a href="http://www.altcoinfool.com">www.altcoinfool.com</a><br> Join the <a href="http://t.me/altcoinfoolpodcast">Altcoin Fool Podcast Telegram Group</a><br> READ ON <br> <br> * <a href="https://www.stellar.org/">Stellar</a><br> * <a href="https://twitter.com/StellarOrg">Tweet Stellar</a><br> * <a href="http://fortune.com/2017/10/16/ibm-blockchain-stellar/">IBM and Stellar</a><br> * <a href="https://youtu.be/7hNlNjhwIIo?t=17s">Kool-Aid</a><br> <br> DONATE <br> <br> * Send DigiByte here – DTd9EHfJCDK8NEVA6m82FhQ59bejuSTyW9<br> * Send ETH (ERC20) here (let us know if you send an ERC20 token) – 0xE3075dE5c724C53153B7d28a99aD6E27cc9fCeF3 <br> * Send Dogecoin here – DGpTGTxbwaUBNJg8CaUWbozWd97AU1YDJb<br> * Send Stellar Lumens here – GA6YFDASRSYGX5LJD4UM2CV5VZUAIRACB7J3YRO6X6JW5FIGBFLRIT6S<br> * Send TRTL here – TRTLv2kLhACcfF7wSpGa8PWMQzWCCYB8D7G7v43YsujUZQBGdBQSXNWT3fH8o9s8tjBRGS2h6NVP4BdTeKKEhf2xaV36eNNkNU4<br> <br>