FL 186 – How to make $100 a day online

The Flipped Lifestyle Podcast show

Summary: When we started our online business journey 6 years ago, our goal wasn’t simply to make a few bucks online. <br> <br> We wanted to create a consistent stream of income that would pay the bills, meet our family’s needs, and allow us to share lots of Can’t Miss Moments with our kids and loved ones.<br> <br> But this is easier said than done.<br> <br> Trust us, we know the struggle is real!<br> <br> We know how hard it is to make ends meet, the stress of living paycheck to paycheck, and having little to no means of investing in ourselves, let alone start our own online business.<br> <br> <br> <br> We were parents of, then, very young children (Isaac was a preschooler and Anna Jo was an infant). <br> We had full-time jobs, I was a history teacher and Jocelyn was a school librarian.<br> We lived in Kentucky, where it’s basically unheard of to make money online.<br> <br> So, how did we create the change that flipped our lives?<br> <br> The simple answer is...<br> WE TOOK ACTION.<br> It wasn't probably the best time to start an online business, but the clock was ticking and we had to make a choice.<br> <br> Now, we look back and we’re just so grateful that we listened to our hearts.<br> <br> We did what we had to do, instead of just wasting our time waiting for the “right” moment.<br> <br> Because if we waited for everything to be perfect, I doubt we’d be where we are now.<br> <br> Our lives changed for the better because we decided to walk this path, invested in ourselves and believed in what we could share with the world.<br> In this week's episode, we’ll share 3 practical tips to help you make $100/day online:<br> <br> <br> <br> 1. ACTION IS THE CURE TO FEAR.<br> We understand how terrifying it is to let go of all the indoctrinations the “world” has force-fed our minds...<br> <br> Go to school.<br> Get a degree.<br> Find a job.<br> Start a family.<br> Toil until you retire.<br> <br> Although your fear of the unknown is valid, you also have immeasurable potential.<br> <br> You have, within you, the power to create change in your life!<br> <br> Every time you take action, you take a step past that fear. <br> <br> Every time you take a step past those fears, you gain vital experience that you’ll need to conquer future fears far greater than the one you’ve just defeated.<br> <br> You see, all it takes is for you to take that first step. <br> <br> And then the next step.<br> <br> And then the next.<br> <br> Rinse and repeat.<br> So, don’t underestimate yourself and all the amazing things you can share with the world.<br> Your life is a constant testimony of resilience, so don’t be so quick to limit yourself to what everybody else says your life should be.<br> <br> Step out of your comfort zone, my friend. :)<br> <br> There’s more to life than keeping your dreams trapped behind that cage of self-doubt and fear of failure.<br> <br> It’s time to embrace those bright and endless possibilities that your courage will afford you (and your family).<br> <br> If you haven’t taken action yet, if you were too scared to try, then the moment is ripe for your picking!<br> <br> Remember...<br> <br> People who succeed are serious in creating success, they DO what it takes to make their lives better. <br> <br> Why? <br> <br> Because successful people are resilient.<br> <br> People who are not successful prefer to DO NOTHING, they are content with the mediocre.<br> <br> Why?<br> <br> Because mediocre is easier.<br> <br>  <br> <br> Bottomline:<br> Take action with the intent to succeed and you, ultimately, will.<br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> 2. Don’t reinvent the wheel and chase fads.<br> With so many tools and courses available in this day and age,