Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 3/29/18

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, , there are new calls for the government to regulate social media and tax online retailers. Despite the discrimination conservatives face from internet giants like Amazon, Facebook and Google, government intervention is not conservative. Do conservatives now stand for government interference on a massive scale in the private sector? Conservatives who don’t like how Google, Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media site treats them should stop demanding government action and compete in the free market. Also, President Trump’s call to place an internet sales tax on Amazon would only hurt consumers. The nationalist populists and nationalist socialists pushing for an internet tax are all wrong. We shouldn’t all turn on these businesses. What we should do is pressure them, compete against them, but don’t drag the government in. That’s the worst thing you could do. Later, over 21,000 people have died waiting to enroll in Medicaid since its expansion under Barack Obama, and nobody is talking about it. Progressives set up these programs so we’re not allowed to criticize them. We’re told the problem is always because they don’t have enough funding, or haven’t tried hard enough. Finally, Robert Mueller is not here to get to the bottom of Russian collusion or interference in the 2016 election. Instead he’s using them as excuses to justify his true intention, which is to investigate the Republican Party, the RNC, Donald Trump, and all things Republican. Mueller has absolutely no interest whatsoever in investigating Hillary Clinton, her campaign, the DNC, the Steele dossier, FISA abuses, or Uranium One.