Hit Parade: The Veronica Electronica Edition

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Summary: In 1998, Madonna was at a career crossroads. After dominating the ’80s with hits like “Like a Virgin” and “Open Your Heart,” she spent the first half of the ’90s wavering between roles as a provocateur (<em>Erotica</em>, <em>Sex</em>) and adult-contemporary balladeer (“I’ll Remember,” “Take a Bow”). That’s when she took a sharp left turn, working with producers and deejays in the burgeoning electronica scene. If it even was a scene: The very term “electronica” was a music-business confection, and by 1997 it was more hype than hit. But the result of Madonna’s experiment—her acclaimed ’98 album <em>Ray of Light</em>—was not only one of her biggest smashes ever. It also helped turn electronic music into viable pop. Email: hitparade@slate.com