Faith and Homeschooling

Vintage Homeschool Moms show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Faith and Homeschooling<br> Episode # 262<br> <br> Is faith and homeschooling a part of your life or are faith and homeschooling compartmentalized? In this episode, we explore why our faith should be an integral part of our homeschool day, and integrated into our lives. Our children learn best by example and what better way to show our children than through the experiences in a well-rounded homeschool curriculum.<br> <br> Thanks to our sponsors!<br> <br> Show Notes: Faith and Homeschooling<br> <br> Homeschooling is a lifestyle with learning coming easily in our daily experiences. In this way, my children recognize the opportunities presented to them as part of what we do, but also part of their school experience.<br> <br> Quick Tips for incorporating faith into you homeschool:<br> <br> * Incorporate Bible into your daily homeschooling routine. Kids watch us, are we praying? Do you use a journal in prayer? Do you study the Bible? I created the course, <a href="">Homeschooling with Proverbs</a>- because I wanted a family Bible course with all of us on the same page. Homeschooling and faith in our family are intertwined, although it didn't begin that way. Listen to the audio as I share my beginning of the homeschool journey.<br> * Make prayer a large part of your day - faith in practice. We pray as a family and still do this today, even with grown kids in the house, kids home from college, kids who work and live at home. Daily prayer keeps our family focused on the real meaning of life - a life with God. Prayer has been answered in abundance in our home, by keeping God first in our lives.<br> * Use curriculum that is Christian faith focused. Do you use a curriculum devoid of faith or one that encourages your faith journey? My daughter and I wrote a series of Creation based novels that are still popular today. You can find them on <a href=""></a> or on Amazon: Novel 1- Missing Link Found, Novel 2- Dinosaur Quest at Diamond Peak, Novel 3- Keys to the Past Unlocked, along with study guides. These novels have a Christian focus and the children are homeschooled (of course!). We also studied the creation vs. evolution discussion and studied a series I also wrote on the topic. How do you incorporate faith in your homeschool? My kids have gone on to college and be able, successfully to present scientific evidence for creationism in the college classroom and with professors in private. This came from years of homeschooling and study.<br> * Celebrate feast days, make it part of your homeschooling curriculum. I love to celebrate the names of my children and the days on a religious calendar - you can find information<a href=""> here</a><br> * Visit places that are notable, churches and shrines. I share a testimonial about doing this as a child with my family in Italy when I toured the Vatican and Sistine Chapel in Rome as well as a friend who came to know God through the churches in Europe.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Special Thanks to our Network Sponsor!<br>  <br> <br> <br> We’d like to thank our Ultimate Homeschool Radio Network sponsor, The Miracle Season!<br> <br> Based on the inspiring true story of West High School girl's volleyball team. After the tragic death of the school's star player Caroline "Line" Found, the remaining team players must band together under the guidance of their tough-love coach in hope of winning the state championship.<br> <br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href="">Visit here to learn more.</a><br> <br> <br> <br>