Homeschool Burn Out

Vintage Homeschool Moms show

Summary: <a href=""></a>Homeschool Burn Out<br> Yes, homeschool burn out can happen to you, even the most die-hard or poster-child-for homeschool mom. You know you're burned out when ... can you fill in the blank? For me it began when I didn't feel like getting out of bed, when I dreaded listening to my children read because it would put me to sleep and when the thought of teaching another child long division made me cry. Basically, I didn't care if the kids completed one page or ten pages in their book, and the questions were never-ending. In this podcast I deal mom burnout, especially homeschool burn out and ways to combat it with some real and doable suggestions.<br> <br> Thanks to our sponsor, LD Entertainment and the movie the <a href="">Miracle Season!</a><br> <br> Show Notes: Homeschool Burn Out<br> <br> When you are stuggling with burn out the last thing you want is a know-it-all-mom to tell you one more thing you need to do to overcome burn out. I mean, the reason you feel burned out is you are overwhelmed, right? I know. I've been there. you see I had a really cushy life. My husband made a good living, provided for our family and is loving and kind. I'm blessed. I had two children, a house on a couple of acres and lived in a place with perpetual summer and spring weather. I began a publishing business right before I found out I was pregnant with child number three. The publishing business flourished and so did my fertility. I had number four, and number five in my 40's. So, homeschooling highschool, having little ones while running a publishing business became an amazing feat. Something had to go!<br> <br> Do your kids ask:<br> <br> "Mom, what do you want me to do first, math or reading?<br> <br> Mom, can I go to Jimmie's house after our field trip?<br> <br> Mom, I can't find my math book!"<br> <br> If I had a penny for each time a child lost a school book or for the number of times my name, "Mom" was used in a sentence that ended in a question, I'd be very rich! There was a time in the not so distant past when my business became very profitable at a time when my husband's business took a sudden downward turn, due to the economic decline. It was a blessing to be sure, but juggling little kids and little, constant problems with launching a new branch of my business became very tough. On top of this, I was dissatisfied. I was sad I didn't have more time to complete my homeschool tasks, I was sad my house was a mess. And, yes - I was just plain sad!<br> <br> I needed a break but I didn't have anyone who I could trust to babysit nearby or even friends to trade with, in fact, I felt selfish for even thinking of leaving my kids alone for any period of time. I realized years later I was my own worse enemy. I had all these rules, these do's and don'ts and no way out of the mess I had created.<br> <br> Yes, sometimes there are things out of our control. The washing machine breaks, there is a hurricane and no electricity for two weeks, this has happened to us three times while living in southwest Florida, and yes I still live here. There are those unaccountable and unavoidable things that happen in our life. But that doesn't mean we quit. I'm going to share with you my life raft tips, those things are sure to help you with homeschool burn out!<br> <br> List: Life happens. We need to realize that every day isn't going to be perfect, everything on our list will not be checked off and we need to be okay with it!<br> <br> Important: What is the most important thing to tackle that day? The one thing. You know the one thing that if completed will make me happy. If there isn't one thing you are not fine-tuning your list enough. Take a few moments to think about this each day, or better yet the night before an make a plan.<br> <br>