09: Tall, Dark, and Hanson

Be There in Five show

Summary: This week, Kate had other plans, but right before recording, was sent a 'weird' message by an internet stranger. This prompted a more dark and brooding intro this week, thanks to the musical stylings of the lesser-known singles off of one of the late '90s most acclaimed albums made by a band with a member still in elementary school. We take a journey through some of Middle of Nowhere's most important songs, address an unsolved mystery in Tulsa, Oklahoma, then take a sharp turn into discussing LifeTouch school picture day, the joy of Yearbook typos, and Kate's general bitterness toward people that wore Peace Frog shirts in the front of the class picture while tall people wearing fierce corduroy overalls get shoved to the back. Then we follow up with her prediction about Channing & Jenna's breakup and discuss her favorite current internet blind item celebrity gossip stories that are worth a deeper dive, only to then accidentally go back in time for a brief SBTB / Nickelodeon discussion, but then Kate remembers she's boycotting Nickelodeon, and moves onto discuss her frustration with common backhanded compliments. She forgets what she talks about next, probably how The Keepers destroyed her faith in humanity and/or how she's really actively seeking a chocolate milk sponsor for the podcast. Another week, another tangent, another 45 minutes of a person shamelessly laughing at their own jokes.