Episode 9: Large Cadbury Eggs are for Suckers!

Pop Culture & Youth Ministry: What it is and what it means show

Summary: In this episode of What It Is What It Means we look at a few new shows on TV. Is RISE a look into our Youth Ministry Culture? Is what is old now new? American Idol is back. Does that need to happen? And, why are we hearing so much more about Mental Health issues recently? Is it good that it is now out in the open? Plus, make sure to enter our contest to win $100 at the DYM Store. All this and so much more, on What It Is What It Means!<br><br>Sponsor:<br>Give Central<br>Givecentral.org<br><br>Check out the DYM Podcast Network:<br>Podcast.downloadyouthministry.com<br><br>Fortnight:<br><a href="https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/buy-now/battle-royale" rel="noopener">https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/en-US/buy-now/battle-royale</a><br><br>RISE:<br><a href="https://www.nbc.com/rise?nbc=1" rel="noopener">https://www.nbc.com/rise?nbc=1</a><br><br>American Idol:<br><a href="http://abc.go.com/shows/american-idol" rel="noopener">http://abc.go.com/shows/american-idol</a><br><br>Mental Health and Relevant Magazine:<br><a href="https://relevantmagazine.com/life5/modern-christianitys-mental-health-stigma-must-end/" rel="noopener">https://relevantmagazine.com/life5/modern-christianitys-mental-health-stigma-must-end/</a><br><br>Connect with us on the Web!<br>Instagram-@whatitiswhatitmeans<br><a href="mailto:Email-whatitiswhatitimeans@gmail.com">Email-whatitiswhatitimeans@gmail.com</a>