The Acela of Evil: The Train to Denuclearization of the Koreas Runs Through Beijing, Apparently

Deep State Radio show

Summary: It looks like the Trump-Kim Summit is a thing. A real thing. That’ll likely happen this Spring. At least, all indicators were pointing in that direction following Kim Jong Un’s stealthy train trip from Pyongyang to Beijing this past week and the follow up announcement that meetings with Chinese leader Xi Jinping were productive and that Kim was willing to discuss the de-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Whatever that may mean. We discuss the trip, the winners, the losers and how John Bolton’s mustache will fare at the negotiating table. Also: a look at the latest news about Trump and Russia and whether it will actually take a revealing photo showing Trump’s full-body Russian mafia tattoo (a la “Eastern Promises”) to prove to the GOP leadership that Comrade T has all along been the star of “The Hunt for Orange November”, a sequel that we definitely did not need. Join Rosa Brooks, Ed Luce and David Sanger and host David Rothkopf for this latest episode!