078: Side Hustle Your Way To Wealthy With Yuri Gibson

The Clever Girls Know Podcast show

Summary: Meet Yuri Gibson. She is a designer and digital product guru who teaches other people how to create side hustles that mean business. Her first taste at hustling was working two jobs while attending college full time for seven years. She then graduated in a tanking economy which lead her down a career path she hated. That caused her to make a decision that would change her life - she moved aboard to teach English in South Korea and that's when her side hustle journey began.  After living in Korea for three years, and turning her design business into a digital product empire, Yuri's has a new day hustle - she's now a flight attendant! She now gets paid to travel the world while running a serious business on the side.  In this episode, Yuri talks about her personal story including how she got through college and how she wound up in South Korea. She shares the difference between a side gig and a side hustle, why you should start a side hustle, the industries that can earn you the most money, what it takes to start your side hustle for just $80 a month and her all time favorite tools to help make your side hustle a knock out success. Yuri's website is https://www.viayuri.com For the books, tools and resources mentioned in this episode, visit the main show notes page here: https://www.clevergirlfinance.com/podcast-episodes/side-hustle-your-way-to-wealthy-with-yuri-gibson If you haven't already, be sure to subscribe to the Clever Girl Finance Podcast on iTunes, SoundCloud or Stitcher. Get access to my budgeting tools in my resource library on www.CleverGirlFinance.com Check out the Clever Girl Finance YouTube Channel at YouTube.com/CleverGirlFinance Do you follow Clever Girl Finance on Instagram yet? You should! www.instagram.com/clevergirlfinance Ready to get accountable? Join the Clever Girl Finance Accountability Program over at www.clevergirlfinanceacademy.com