The Avenger – Tunnel of Disaster. ep7, 450720

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Jim Brandon and Fern tune in a radio broadcast to dedicate the opening of a traffic tunnel. A helicopter reports the first car to make the trip is the mayor. The car goes in, but nobody comes out! How did it disappear? It may take some telepathic ability of the Avenger to figure it out. <br> A warning pinned to a guard claims the tunnel is a death trap. After a cost of $15 Million, will the city close the tunnel? Jim looks into the clues, and talks to safety inspectors. Is a model of a gold smelter on the engineer’s desk important to the case? An old property dispute shows up. A steel mill, and a young, new owner add to the picture. The city council thinks all the publicity has been a stunt, or a hoax. But when another threat comes in, Jim and Fern rush to the scene. <br> There isn’t a second to lose, and Jim crashes the tunnel gate. What should Fern look for as they silently cruise the tunnel” back in his lab, Jim studies up on the clues he has found. He shares the connections with Fern, but there’s more to make before the guilty party will show themselves in his trap. Not to mention an appearance by the Avenger. <br> <br>