The Name Doesn’t Matter #16: BItTorrent Crypto, PUBG’s Decline, and the State of Internet Advertising

The Name Doesn't Matter show

Summary: <p><span style="font-weight: 400; font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">On this week’s installment of #TNDM, we’re voicing our concerns for Brahm Cohen’s new cryptocurrency, the gradual decline of PUBG, and the state of internet advertisement culture. Will the price of SDD’s skyrocket much like the price of DDR4 ram? Will Fortnite eventually conquer the gaming universe? Will this show ever be sponsored? Tune in for Tanner and J.J.’s insightful and potentially off-putting opinions about all of this and more on The Name Doesn’t Matter weekly podcast!</span></p>