Go Ask Your Father for March 28, 2018

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Caller Question- Why do some people stand and some people kneel during the Consecration at Mass?<br> Caller Question- Why do we call it “Easter”? Where does the word come from?<br> Multiple callers following up about standing or kneeling during the Consecration.<br> Caller Question- Do you take offense when someone calls you “father” instead of “monsignor”?<br> Caller Question- What happens if someone dies in the state of mortal sin?<br> Caller Question- Is it okay for lay people to lift up their hands during the Our Father?<br> Catechetical Corner- The Pascal Triduum.<br> Caller Question- If I miss the Gospel on a Sunday Mass, can I receive Communion?<br> Caller Question- Did God change when he took on human nature?<br>