eBay Radio – Show 718 – Segment 9 – Top Rated Seller Hour - eBay Radio

eBay for Business show

Summary: Open phones, Contact Us email, and more: Ron, Birmingham AL (oilerman21), called with a question about item specifics. Debbie, Vacaville CA (thebookkiosk), shared a new term for “death piles”. Lee reminded listeners to register ASAP for eBay Open 2018, July 24-26 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas; get the early bird price of $275 until May 1 at <a href="http://ebayopen.com/?utm_source=Radio&amp;utm_medium=Writeups&amp;utm_campaign=Open&amp;utm_content=Open" target="_blank" rel="noopener">eBayOpen2018.com</a>. Edie, Santa Monica CA (dress_to_suit), called in to follow up on her email re: UPCs.<br> <br> Griff and Lee read current events from the eBay Radio Seller Events Calendar, located under Seller Resources in the eBay Radio archives. Click on the event’s title to see all the details. To submit your sellers group meetup or other event, go to eBayRadio.com; click on “Past Episodes” in the right-hand sidebar; then click on "Submit an Event" in the upper right-hand corner of any archives page.<br> <br>