eBay Radio – Show 718 – Segment 1 - eBay Radio

eBay for Business show

Summary: Griff gave an overview of today's show and introduced the eBay Radio News with Lee Mirabal. Stories include eBay Open 2018, July 24-26 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas (register now at e<a href="http://ebayopen.com/?utm_source=Radio&amp;utm_medium=Writeups&amp;utm_campaign=Open&amp;utm_content=Open" target="_blank" rel="noopener">BayOpen2018.com</a>); musical instruments; and an eBay for Business blog post about 20 must-see movies for entrepreneurs.<br> <br> Griff and Lee discussed eBay's charitable campaigns in honor of World Autism Awareness Month, including donating $1 to Autism Speaks (up to $10,000) each time an Everyday Heroes video posted at <a href="https://www.ebayinc.com/stories/news/ebay-collaborates-with-autism-speaks-to-support-children-on-world-autism-awareness-day/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">eBayInc.com</a> is shared on Twitter and Facebook.