Episode 2: Why isn’t my promoted pin running?

Grow with Angie and April: A Podcast for Teacherpreneurs show

Summary: <p><em>Why isn’t my promoted pin running?!</em></p> <p>Lately we’ve noticed a lot of people asking about why their promoted pins aren’t taking off, or suddenly stop running. Angie and I have asked this ourselves many, many times. In this episode, we talk about some of the reasons we’ve discovered that promoted pins don’t perform.</p> <p><em>We only run traffic campaigns in our businesses, so this advice is focused on those promoted pin types only.</em></p> <h2>Possibility #1: Bid is too low</h2> <p>When we first started running promoted pins, you had to bid at least $0.10/click. However, recently we’ve noticed there are two low categories for bids: “too low” and “low bid”. We typically set ours for $0.01-$0.10 higher than “too low”. We do not spend what they as for a “good bid”, unless it’s magically under $0.25 (this is rare).</p> <p class="g1-content-img-wrap"><img class="alignnone wp-image-754 " src="http://www.growwithuspodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Screenshot-2018-03-23-11.11.25.png" alt="Pinterest Low Bid" width="525" height="85"></p> <p class="g1-content-img-wrap"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-755 " src="http://www.growwithuspodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Screenshot-2018-03-23-11.11.19.png" alt="Promoted pin too low" width="692" height="92"></p> <p>If you have an established pin that stops running, go to your ad group page and click “Edit Ad Group”. Scroll to the bottom to see if your bid is indicated as “too low”. Change it to a low bid amount, and if you want it to do even better, add a few extra cents.</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">One main takeaway from our chat was that popular keywords = more competition = higher bid. Angie had an issue with a St. Patrick’s day pin’s bid because the keywords were super popular across the board.</span></p> <p> </p> <h2>Possibility #2: People aren’t searching your keywords</h2> <p>Promoted pins are great because you can just let them</p>