Unappreciated Masterpieces - Wild Hogs

Spit & Polish Presents show

Summary: We delve into the world of film and find the forgotten gems or other wise unappreciated masterpieces of film and talk about them. This episode we discuss one of the best films of all time "Wild Hogs."(2007) which features the wild cast of Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, William H. Macy, Ray Liotta, Marisa Tomei, John C. McGinley? In this commentary we talk about the interesting questions that are brought from watching this brilliant film and we hope that we answer some of those questions. This episode features Bartek Kasprzyszak, Luke Peverelle and Claudia Sensi Contugi! PRESS PLAY AT 4:27! 99% of bikers are law abiding citizens - the remaining 1% take pride in their distinction, refering to themselves as 1%ers. This film follows some through-and-through, bona fide 99%ers. Thanks very much, remember to like the facebook page, follow on iTunes and talk to us, please don't forget to be kind to each other.