The Case for Online Businesses

Listen Money Matters - Free your inner financial badass. This is not your father's boring personal finance show. show

Summary: We want to motivate all of you to get started creating online businesses. The idea is that with part-time, but a focused effort, in one year you can build an online business that earns $1,000 or more per month.<br> Economic Changes<br> It’s not undocumented workers coming for American jobs, it’s automation. Driverless cars are coming which means the <a href="">3.5 million</a> truckers in the US will be out of a job.<br> We might not all like using the self-checkout when we go shopping, but soon they will replace the <a href="">3.4 million</a> cashiers in the US.<br> Telemarketers retail sales, accountants, typists, and real estate agents are also jobs that will be among the <a href="">first</a> to be lost to automation.<br> <br> It’s been predicted that by 2025, 30% of <a href="">jobs will be automated</a>. That sounds like a long way off, but it’s only eight years. Another four years later, <a href="">2029,</a> it’s predicted that robots will have achieved human levels of intelligence.<br> Jobs are being automated, and because of that, it’s been predicted that by 2020, <a href="">40%</a> of the US Workforce will be freelancers.<br> Do you want to be late to the party or arrive early and get the best seat?<br> Security, Freedom, and Fulfillment<br> To drift is hell, to steer, heaven. There is no worse feeling than the feeling that you don’t have control over your life. No one who works for someone else is immune from a job loss.<br> It could be due to anything, a shady owner, an incompetent owner, the place burns down, the economy crashes again like it did in 2008 and you’re laid off. None of those things is your fault, but none of them are within your control either.<br> One of our most popular episodes was <a href="">Money for the Love of Freedom. </a>It touched a nerve because freedom is the most powerful thing money can buy you.<br> When you have money, you have the freedom to leave a job that you hate, to move if you’re tired of where you live, to leave a relationship you’re no longer happy in.<br> Be fulfilled.<br> There will be nothing more fulfilling in your life than creating something that other people can enjoy and appreciate.<br> We want all of you to have security, freedom, and fulfillment and the best way to get those things is to be your own boss and <a href="">create passive income.</a><br> Online Businesses<br> <br> Okay, we want you to start your own business. By why are we advocating for online businesses? Because a brick and mortar business only goes so far. You have to physically be present, and there is a logical maximum you can earn based simply on space restrictions.<br> Restaurants can only turnover so quickly; clothing stores can only fit so many people inside at a time.<br> <a href="">The internet is infinitely scalable. </a>It has almost limitless reach. There are people from every corner of the world who hear what Listen Money Matters has to say.<br> An online business also gives you the <a href="">freedom</a> we all want.<br> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">You aren’t tied to a location.</a>