Sherlock Holmes – Murder Beyond the Mountains. ep198, 460114

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Narrating a case he didn’t take part in, Watson recounts the story as told to him by Holmes. Climbing the mountains, weather brings disaster to the expedition, with Holmes its only survivor. In the cold, and fighting delirium, Holmes is discovered, and nursed back to health by a girl. Will she keep his secret, though he has been presumed dead for the past two years? <br> A collection of characters soon gather in the mountain top cottage, a Russian, an Englishman, an American, and Holmes who is posing as a Norwegian named Olaf. What manner of conflict must be worked out in the Tibetan cottage? Murder of a Chinese emissary has come to the monistaary of peace, strongled with his own jewels. <br> Examining all the clues closely, Holmes is determined to bring a killer to light. The whereabouts of the multinational players is reviewed. Who is placed at the scene of the crime? Will serenity return to the monastery, so the monks can continue chanting in peace? <br> <br>