EP006: UX Design with disruptor and trainer Tiffany Eaton – Why does UX even matter? - Angle Free IT

Angle Free IT show

Summary: <br> Sometimes, actually – let me rephrase that, a lot of times I know I want to talk to a guest but I have no idea what I’ll gain from them – a lot like UX.  What is UX?  User Experience within a piece of software.  It’s something companies spend A LOT of time on, or don’t – and then fail.  In this episode, we are lucky enough to snag a few cycles of brain time with Tiffany Eaton, UX designer, Medium Author, and upcoming grad/disruptor in the UX field.  Tiffany tells us what the main challenges UX attempts to fix, and how the goals of a UX designer flow.  Come join us for this great conversation – especially if you’ve ever used an app – so all of us, really.<br> 3:00: What is UX?<br><br> 4:00: Tiffany’s Interning experience, and talking about networking to get the first one.<br><br> 7:00: Real world projects versus constraints within school – the shock of reality.<br><br> 11:00: ‘Do I Belong’ game<br><br> 12:00: Tools of the trade<br><br> 17:45: Interview prep, and deep researching tips for prep from Tiffany<br><br> 19:00: STAR method (this was new to Preston – it’s a cool method).<br><br> <a href="https://www.vawizard.org/wiz-pdf/STAR_Method_Interviews.pdf" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">https://www.vawizard.org/wiz-pdf/STAR_Method_Interviews.pdf</a><br><br> 22:00: Tiffany educates me on why she feels design doesn’t have nearly as many curmudgeonly folks – it’s just their nature of designing new stuff all the time.<br><br> 24:00: Millennials don’t care about work that doesn’t matter.<br><br> 26:00: UX market entry tips. Design of everything book. side projects.<br><br> 29:00: Deep dive into how UX and programmers actually work.<br><br> 32:30: Tiffany’s mantra of ‘Not holding users accountable because they don’t think like we do’.<br><br> 34:00: GAMING TIME! Tiffany’s game and arcade experience, and the specific game she is an aficionado about.<br> If you’d like to find Tiffany online, go find her online at the following locations:<br> <a href="http://skl.sh/2nal9ZT" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://skl.sh/2nal9ZT</a> (Tiffany’s class on UX research)<br> <br> <a href="http://tiffanyeaton.com/asian-sterotype-story-game" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://tiffanyeaton.com/asian-sterotype-story-game</a> (Tiffany’s stereotype story game)<br> <br> <a href="https://medium.com/@tiffanyeaton" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://medium.com/@tiffanyeaton</a> (Tiffany’s Medium account)<br> <br> <a href="http://tiffanyeaton.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">http://tiffanyeaton.com</a> (Tiffany’s website)<br>