Ep. 41: I Got Hit By a Car pt. 2

Awesome with Alison show

Summary: In this episode I’m reflecting over the past two months, sharing all the positive, universal life lessons I’ve been able to take from this tough experience—and how I think they’re applicable for you too! I also share something from the ugly side of trauma, that I didn’t realize would happen, in an effort for us all to be more aware. And then we end this puppy with 3 useful tools that you can use when you get hit by any type of “car” in your life! My goal for this episode is that you’re able to look at something hard in your own life, and see aspects of it in a new light! This episode is sponsored by Alison’s Brand School and my Build an Awesome Brand Workshop. If you’re an entrepreneur looking for clarity, engagement and to build your business, I want to party with you on March 23. Learn more at alisonsbrandschool.com Music is by Pleasant Pictures Music Club. www.pleasantpictures.club Eric's closing song is "Cherry," a new single from his band New Shack.