PGR 82 – The Next Community Day with Special Guest DKetch

Pokemon Go Radio show

Summary: Feels good. Feels right. It’s SALT back again writing this thing no one reads. Got to something while the file uploads, amrite? Lets seeee hmmmm oh yeah! This week DKatch is on show! We talk about the newly announced March Community Day and get his perspective on that. Oh those guys make me max out a Pidgey as punishment for being too drunk two episodes ago. Joke’s on them I found a 481 Pidgey. Damn thing still cost me like 50k SD. Twitter and Discord have been on point lately. Thanks everyone for that. Oh and rate us on itunes. I forgot to mention that on the show I think. Oh and apologies DKatch., you did call us cute earlier in the show. Well that’s my contractually obligated paragraph. Now time for the plugs. Adios folks. I’ll be in Vegas next week speak. Hit me up if you want to get legendary (and by “legendary” I mean I have to work and the military really frowns on missing work due to intoxication, so we’re keeping it reasonable) Look at that! That’s more than a paragraph…eat it Nar. Support us at our Patreon Page You can buy a shirt at Thanks to […]