TAS 488: (HOT SEAT) No Organic Sales after Launch…What Am I Doing WRONG?

The Amazing Seller show

Summary: How can you make sure your brand is in the best position to succeed in today’s marketplace? Are there common mistakes that many sellers are making that you could easily avoid? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they host another Hot Seat session where they break down the numbers and listings of a TAS seller like you! Join the guys as they discuss important topics like why presentation matters, the necessity of knowing your market, how to set your giveaway contest up for success, why it’s important to reach out to social media influencers, and much more! You don’t want to miss a minute of this informative episode! <br> What is your end goal, building a brand or selling a product? <br> If you’ve been around the TAS community for very long, you know that Scott and Chris are passionate about helping sellers like you build a robust and sustainable ecommerce brand. What you’ve got to figure out for yourself is if you want to take the long-term approach and build a brand or opt for the short term success of selling a product. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from the guys as they explain the difference between these two approaches. The reason why it’s important to make this distinction is so that you clearly know how to best use your time and resources to achieve your end goal. To hear more about this important decision, make sure to listen to this helpful episode! <br> How social media influencers can help you stand out!<br> As you continue to hone your approach and implement the lessons and insights that Scott and Chris have to share, don’t forget about the wisdom of reaching out to social media influencers! As the saying goes, work smarter, not harder! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, the guys explain how sellers like you can reach out and connect with social media influencers to educate your target audience and set your brand apart from the rest! What are you waiting for? Take your brand to the next level, learn how on this episode! <br> Why it's important to build your brand in a market you know. <br> Don’t you hate it when someone starts chiming in on a conversation topic that they have no knowledge of? It makes the individual look silly and it makes everyone else uncomfortable, don’t be that person! If you want your brand to succeed, make sure you pick a niche market that you are knowledgeable in or have a passion for. Another option is to create a partnership with someone who eats, sleeps, and breathes that market and make them the spokesperson. Learn more about this important topic and why it’s vital to a thriving and growing brand on this episode of The Amazing Seller! <br> Make sure to model after, not copy your competition. <br> How do you expect to vie for the audience your competitors are going after if your product listing isn’t up to the same standards or better? The truth is, you can’t! If you want to stay competitive with your Amazon product listing, you can’t have a substandard listing! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris go over ways that sellers like you can imitate, not copy your competition so your product listing doesn’t get overlooked. Don’t leave it all up to guesswork, find out what it takes to stay competitive and make sure your listing has the best possible chance for success. Learn more on this episode! <br> OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER<br> <br> [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!<br> [1:00] Scott welcomes Chris to the podcast. <br> [3:30] Chris goes over an email from a TAS follower. <br> [7:00] The guys dive into the Hot Seat. <br> [10:00] Presentation matters! <br> [13:30] Why it’s important to know your market. <br> [16:00] Are you trying to sell a product or build a brand? <br> [22:30] Why traffic and organic sales are so important. <br> [26:00] The guys breakdown the seller’s flash giveaway contest.