TAS 489: BIG Amazon UPDATES: Helping Drive External Traffic without Hurting Our Listings

The Amazing Seller show

Summary: Have you heard of the recent updates that Amazon is starting to roll out for its sellers? What are the implications of these new changes? How can you make the most of the updates so your brand and grow and thrive? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris break everything down so you have a clear understanding of what this means for your ecommerce business. Don’t take this update for granted! There are some really helpful changes that could transform the way you track information and drive traffic to your listings. Make sure to listen to this episode to get all the information you need! <br> What is the “Social Media Promo Code?” <br> One of the cool and really exciting new updates that Amazon is rolling out to its sellers is a “Social Media Promo Code.” With this promo code, sellers like you have far more control over how you offer discounts and promotions to your followers for your products. This change also brings with it a new Amazon powered, landing page. You can now drive traffic to this landing page without worrying if that traffic will convert to a sale. To get the complete breakdown of what these new options and tools mean for you and your ecommerce business, make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller as Scott and Chris explain it all!  <br> Using unique URLs. <br> Did you know that you can now create unique URLs to be used by social media influencers so you can track your traffic more effectively? It’s true! You can do this by utilizing what Amazon calls a “Promotions Report.” On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they go over how you can use this Promotions Report and the unique URLs to your advantage. Scott and Chris have been testing this tool and the Social Media Code in small portions in their new brand. To hear their results and what you can do to get started with these new features, make sure to listen to this episode! <br> Why you should create an Amazon Storefront page. <br> Have you created an Amazon Storefront page for your ecommerce brand yet? If you have, what has been your experience using it? What can you do to optimize your use of this Amazon feature? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris share how sellers like you can start making the most out of your Amazon Storefront page. Amazon has recently added a new feature to the Storefront page called “Sources.” This tool enables you to create links that will help you tag and identify traffic that comes to your Storefront. There are some amazing uses for this new feature, to hear them all, don’t miss this exciting episode! <br> Don’t get overwhelmed, pace yourself! <br> With all these new changes and the fast pace nature of building a business in a competitive space, it can be really easy to get overwhelmed. Remember Scott’s advice, you don’t have to do everything at once! Make a list, plot out milestones where you can start looking at new options as your business gets off the ground. It all comes down to taking it one step at a time. To hear more from Scott and Chris and how you can set your ecommerce business up for success, make sure to listen to this informative episode of The Amazing Seller! You don’t want to miss it! <br> OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER<br> <br> [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast!<br> [0:45] Chris joins the podcast to give an update on Amazon’s recent changes. <br> [3:30] Chris explains the Amazon update, the “Social Media Promo Code.”<br> [8:30] Why Amazon’s permission to use a “Marketing Page” is so important. <br> [14:00] Chris talks about using the Promotions Report. <br> [16:00] How did the “Marketing Page” perform in Scott and Chris’ brand? <br> [19:00] What is the advantage of using Amazon’s new tool? <br> [25:30] Chris dives into Amazon storefronts and a new way to track traffic. <br> [38:00] How this new Amazon tool will help you tr...