You’re A New Mom And It’s Going To Be Ok – We Promise – Episode 25

ParentCast: New Parents | New Babies | New Adventures | A New Kind Of Crazy show

Summary: Hosts Mary and Blake discuss the idea of being a new mom and give you the top 13 reasons why you are going to be ok if you are.  Listen, there are plenty of reasons to be nervous and feel clueless.  But we give you all the dirty secrets that no one is going to tell you about being a new mom.  In this episode, you'll learn all about - peeing your pants, leaking out of your boobs, not liking your kid, sex (or the lack thereof), no sleep, comparing yourself to Snooki so you can feel better about yourself, dealing with friends and extended family, and all the glamorous crap that goes into being a new mom. Subscribe: iTunes | Download: (.mp3) | Mobile Play | Like Us On Facebook