Go Ask Your Father for February 28, 2018

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Caller Question- I’m Protestant, but I have become more interested in Catholicism because of Relevant Radio. How do I become Catholic? How do I learn more?<br> Catechetical Corner- Pope Francis’s Wednesday General Audience- The Liturgy of the Eucharist<br> Caller Question- Why won’t the priests at my daughter’s church give her gluten-free hosts for Communion?<br> Caller Question- What is the difference between a basilica and a cathedral and a regular church?<br> Caller Question- What is the proper role of temporal consequences due to sin? Can others carry out your punishment?<br> Caller Question- Why didn’t the apostles know what Jesus meant when he said he was to rise from the dead? <br> Caller Question- I am not getting any help from priest in the Confessional with impurity. Can you help me?<br> Caller Question- Why didn’t the Eucharistic ministers in Brazil understand when I crossed my arms?<br>