Go Ask Your Father for March 15, 2018

Go Ask Your Father show

Summary: Caller Question- What do I do if I want to opt out of vaccines for my children, but the state I live in won’t let me?<br> Caller Question- What do I do if my ex husband approves of my daughter living with her boyfriend, but I don’t approve?<br> Caller Question- Is it proper to say that Jesus is a human person or a human being?<br> Caller Statement- I don’t think vaccines are made from aborted babies.<br> Caller Question- Why was Aaron never punished by God for forming the golden calf?<br> Caller Question- What if I can’t find my ex spouse? How can I get an annulment? <br> Catechetical Corner- What are the different kinds of sin?<br> Caller Question- Should we ask God for things? How can we tell if what we ask for is against His will?<br>