
West Chester Story Slam show

Summary: Welcome to the West Chester Story Slam podcast! We had so much fun in March when we listened to Chaos stories. When the night was over, our winning storyteller was none other than Steve Clark. Steve will be heading to our Grand Slam in November. Steve Clark is Philadelphia’s most prolific storyteller. His story about running in the Philadelphia Marathon has been featured on the Moth podcast, and Steve has won the First Person Arts Grand Slam twice. Steve also runs a monthly comedy show called Trump’s America. Congratulations Steve! Our second story is from India Henderson. As you’ll hear, India is a college freshman who is doing great things. She starts out thanking me for the college advice I’d dished out in my story that night. It’s a joke you’d only understand if you were there! Anyway, here’s India. Our final story is from another prolific storyteller - Pat Carmody. Pat told this story about the importance of writing letters in the digital age.  Our April Story Slam is themed IT’S MY JOB!! Tickets are moving fast so don’t delay!   If you are interested in attending one of our Story Slams live, here are some tips. West Chester Story Slam is held on the second Tuesday of the month. Seats do sell out so you want to plan ahead. And if you want to tell a story, buy your ticket and then see me - Jim - when you arrive! All the info you need can be found at Well, that’s our podcast for this month! If you are a fan of the West Chester Story Slam podcast - please let your friends know, or write a review on iTunes. We are also looking for a podcast sponsor for the 2018 season, if interested, email us at for more info. Thanks for listening!