Hobby Bunker Game Day 2016: Wargaming Recon #168

Podcasts – Wargaming Recon show

Summary: The Hobby Bunker Game Day 2016 was held Saturday August 27, 2016 from 10am-10pm EST at the Hobby Bunker in Malden, Massachusetts. Jonathan is joined by new co-host and amazing GM Mike Paine to give their take on the day of gaming while they share a few stories of their tabletop adventures. The longest-running tabletop wargaming podcast on the planet     The Games that were held! Sharp Practice version 2 Skirmishing in the Peninsular War Trench Wars Up the Euphrates Without a Paddle WW1 Middle East Halo Fleet Battles Halo Battle of Reach Battle of Hanghai, China 1932 Hail Caesar Battle of Agrigentum 262B.C. 1st Punic War Pike & Shotte Battle of Swansea King Philip’s War June 1675 Trilaterum Black Powder Battle of Merxem 13 January 1814 Luftwaffe 1946 They Shall Not Pass! France 1940 Marvel Universe Minis Game Hail Caesar Battle of Stamford Bridge Mailbag Via E-mail (send mail to jonathan @ wargamingrecon.com): Guest Joe Wetzel sent an e-mail to his Kickstarter backers about Episode 166.  He said “Jonathan has a lot of passion for the project and energy–I highly recommend listening. Thanks Jonathan!” Via Facebook: Stephen Wollett of Nerd Rage News is directing a tabletop gaming documentary titled “And Now a Word from a Gamer.”  It is in production.  He asked Jonathan to be an interviewee for the documentary.  At TotalCon 2017 he’ll interview Jonathan. Should be fun to experience the process and learn how it goes. No clue if Jonathan will make the final cut or how much air time he’ll receive. You can learn more through its IMDB Listing. Wargaming Recon is dedicated to the memory of long time listener Andrew who helped to give the show its name.  I ask all listeners to join me in a moment of silence in Andrew’s honor. Do You Like Wargaming Recon, then Review the show If you like what you hear please consider reviewing us on iTunes & Stitcher Radio. iTunes and Stitcher Radio are some of the most popular ways for listeners to find podcasts. Why not help a potential new listener find our show and help grow the hobby? Recent Reviews   PATREON Patreon backers get the newest episodes FIRST Don’t want to wait?  Support Wargaming Recon through Patreon. It costs as little as $1 per per month. That is less than a cup of coffee. Thank you to: Dave & the Wargames @ BattleShades Facebook group Patrick Chris Parker of Day of Battle Games Kyle from Vermont $28 away from next Patreon Goal Announcements The 24hr Game-a-thon is November 5, 2016.  Jonathan is fundraising to benefit Boston Children’s Hospital.  Extra Life raises money for kids who need medical treatment but can’t afford it. Please make a tax deductible donation if you can here. He’s trying to raise $250.  Wargaming Recon is also doing a few eBay Charity Auctions with proceeds going to the Extra Life fundraiser to benefit Boston Children’s Hospital. The first eBay auction will go live when the next episode releases on October 10, 2016.  Please bid generously on the auction(s) if you are so able.  Remember, this is for the kids. Become a Wargaming Recon Sponsor: Wargaming Recon is Proudly Sponsored by: The Maine Historical Wargamers Association (they’re the people behind HUZZAH “Historical Wargaming for New England”) are the sponsor for the show. So grateful for their support. Please be sure to go to Huzzah May 19-21, 2017 at the Doubletree Inn in South Portland, Maine. Reminders We suggest Mobile Users use Pocket Casts ($3.99 for iOS, Lite version is FREE). $3.99 for Android users. Read the Episode Guide for sneak peeks at future episodes. Subscribe to us on iTunes Mike Paine’s 2016 Convention Schedule Council of Five Nations XXXIX Sep 23-25, 2016 Carnage 19 Nov 4-6, 2016 EllisCon XXVI Nov 15, 2016 Many thanks to Jeremy Kostiew, Troll ITC’s logo designer, for our amazing logo. Check out his portfolio at MightyNightGaunt.com Penny for Your Th[...]