3/3/18 - OUTDOOR LIVING HOUR! Talking GARLIC & ARIZONA WINES With The Arizona Farm Bureau

Rosie on the House show

Summary: <p>Julie Murphree of the <a href="https://www.azfb.org/" target="_blank">Arizona Farm Bureau</a> joins Romey to discuss everything GARLIC!  Joining them are Frank Martin, garlic grower of <a href="http://www.crookedskyfarms.com/" target="_blank">Crooked Sky Farms</a> and Brian Predmore of <a href="https://alcantaravineyard.com/" target="_blank">Alcantara Vineyards</a> in Cottonwood, AZ.  Arizona wines have become nationally acclaimed and award winning.  And yes, vineyards in Arizona have been producing for decades.</p>