4019 Useful Idiots for Totalitarianism - Call In Show - February 28th, 2018

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [1:40] - “Is Freudian psychoanalysis still relevant in 2018, and if so, what (if anything) can it tell us about the relationships between men, women, and children, so as to help guide civilization toward a meaningful and productive future?”<br><br>Question 2: [1:12:55] - “I am a libertarian. For the past two years I have really noticed a huge shift to leftism, pc, and post modernism inside the “libertarian movement”. These left-libertarians have infected state and national parties. These same people are the ones who will smear anyone who thinks Western Civilization and American Tradition is something to be proud of and protected. Nasty people. Even when empirical evidence is provided, they completely cuck out and proceed with terrible analogies, sophistry, and insults. For example, a lot of times when asked about the European migrant crisis they say, ‘I am not living there, so I am not qualified to give an opinion’. They say that but yet, don’t live in Venezuela and know it’s a basket-case. Is that because they have deep rooted relationships with leftists that prevents them from thinking clearly? I have several examples I would like to discuss but my ultimate question is, what do we do with the libertarians? It seems it’s a 60/40 split of left libertarians vs. Hoppean/Rothbard right libertarians. Is it time to abandon the name libertarian or do we fight? I am leaning towards abandoning, but what are your thoughts?”<br><br>Question 3: [2:02:06] - “I'm training and practicing in the male dominated field of general surgery. I have come under increased scrutiny for not being more of an alpha female. Ultimately, this has led to my seeming weak to my superiors. I'm struggling with accepting and moving on from the cycle I have helped create: I act womanly, therefore I'm treated like a weak-link, therefore I somewhat feel that way, leading to being less confident, then treated with less respect, and the cycle continues. This in the context that surgery as a field and including my superiors, aren't very aware of how to handle the subtle differences between men and women surgeons. Additionally, this has be partially responsible for the program asking/telling me to repeat the 3rd of 5th year of training. My question is, how do I personally and professionally overcome this? Also, as a 31-year-old married childless woman, do I balance this with the small part of me that entertains the idea of quitting and growing our family.“<br><br>Question 4: [3:29:26] - “How do I peacefully prepare my child for a violent world? - Or - Am I adequately preparing my children for the world by being a peaceful parent? Being a peaceful parent has given me children who are bright, brilliant and kind...but terrified of authority and violence. My little boy is crippled by anxiety. He cries every day before school. The other children seem so unaffected. Living in Appalachia, the general consensus is that I am not doing my part to toughen him up. Do I really have to? We have been to doctors, he is in counseling, but I am afraid...what if the problem is me? (I even learned how to shoot a gun so he feels safer when his dad is not here. I never thought I would ever fire a gun.) I was so glad to find out that Stefan is a peaceful parenting advocate. So many of the advocates make it look like hippy dippy nonsense. I would truly appreciate his guidance. This is not about me, this is about my babies.”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate