I Have to Ask: Benjamin Wittes

Slate Daily Feed show

Summary: Benjamin Wittes is a writer and national security expert, and the editor-in-chief of Lawfare. In a wide-ranging conversation with Isaac Chotiner, he discusses how to read the tea leaves of the Mueller investigation, why people are too critical of James Comey, and why even the Trump administration hasn’t changed his (positive) opinion of the national security state.   <br>Email: <a>ask@slate.com</a>Twitter: <a href="https://twitter.com/IHaveToAskPod">@IHaveToAskPod</a> <br>Podcast production by Max Jacobs.<br>Please fill out the Slate podcast survey at <a href="http://slate.com/podcastsurvey">slate.com/podcastsurvey</a>