Gist: Rejecting Jared

Slate Daily Feed show

Summary: Well, what do you know? In 2016, Trump tweeted that he wasn’t trying to get a top security clearance for his son-in-law, Jared Kushner. A year later, he’s finally right. <br>On The Gist, what’s so special about an octopus? Slate’s <a href="https://twitt">Daniel Engber</a> has a takedown of the many-armed beast of the deep: The research on cephalopod intelligence is flimsy, he says, and the octopus is hardly the first animal to have fascinated us with its methods of escape. <br>In the Spiel, it’s time to name another Lobstar. <br>One more thing: Please fill out the Slate podcast survey at <a href=""></a>.<br><br><br><br>