Episode 2. Valentine’s Day: Fatal Attraction (1987) vs Fear (1996)

Faculty of Horror » Podcast Feed show

Summary: To celebrate the world’s most meaningless holiday, Andrea and Alex take a look at Fear and Fatal Attraction in a celebration of love- the kind that takes a lot to die. REQUIRED READING Fatal Attraction. Dir. Adrian Lyne. 1987. [DVD] [Blu-Ray] Fear. Dir. James Foley. 1996. [DVD] [Blu-Ray] EXTRA CREDIT The Traffic in Men and the Fatal Attraction of Post Feminist Masculinity by Bonnie J Dow. This essay examines The Stepford Wives (original and remake) along with Adrian Lyne’s Fatal Attraction and how new readings of female character impacts and changes readings of male characters. LISTEN Right click or option-click here and choose “Save Target As…” to download the mp3.