Code your Future is more than programming, it is a social programme that happens to teach programming.

Refugee Voices Scotland show

Summary: <a href=""></a><br> <br> This podcast is about Code your Future.  <a href="">Code Your Future</a> is a non-profit organisation supporting refugees who want to become web developers. <br> <br> At the time of the publication of this podcast, it is based in three cities in the UK, London, Glasgow, and Manchester.<br> Beginnings<br> Code Your Future was founded by Germán Bencci, a Venezuelan-born coder. He decided to use his expertise to help refugees find jobs as developers. In October 2016 in London, they launched the first cohort of their 6-month web developer programme.<br> <br> The 6-month course includes all the technical skills needed to become a professional developer. The training includes workshops on modern software methodologies and job interview skills. The course ends with students developing a project to benefit their local community.<br> <br> Four out of ten students at CodeYourFuture are women. 100% of their graduates who complete the course and are eligible to work in the UK, find a permanent job.<br> Code Your Future Glasgow<br> I spoke to Mozafar Haider, Yohannes Fedaku, and Khaled Andulaeulgaffer. Mozafar is the team leader of Code Your Future Glasgow. Yohannes and Khaled are students in the first Glasgow cohort.<br> <br> Mozafar was a coding coach in the London Code Your Future. He moved to Edinburgh in January to start a new job and he motivated his colleagues in Scotland to start their own course.<br> <br> The course is not only for refugees and asylum seekers. There are two places on each course for Scots who want to learn to code but cannot afford to access a traditional course.<br> <br> Want to help?<br> <br> <br> Are you an experienced web developer (HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Node, Angular, React, Database)?<br> <br> Do you want to be a mentor or talk to someone about starting up a Code Your Future in your own city? Visit<a href=""></a> . Check out their blog<a href=""></a><br> <br> You don't have to be a coder to volunteer. <br> <br> If you want to tell us your refugee story or want to find out more about what we do, get in touch! We are on<a href=""> twitter</a><a href=""> YouTube</a> and<a href=""> facebook</a> . You can email us using refugeevoicesscotland at .<br> <br> Don't miss an episode by subscribing to our podcast<a href=""> here</a>.